Friday, March 26, 2010

Tantalus Myth

The myth of Tantalus is about a man who was banished to Hades and he had to live the rest of his life in water up to his chin. There was fruits above him on branches as well and when ever he tried to drink the water or eat the fruits they would recede away from him. For this photo, I had Vanessa behind a wire fence to show her trapped and not being able to get out to reach her desires. I blurred the background and burned the edges to bring more focus on Vanessa. I also played with the contrast, hue, and saturation.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

From Modern to Vintage

For this photo, I followed the tutorial by Gavin Hoey. We adjusted the hue and saturation to make a more black and white look and we created a cloudy layer to make it look aged. White was added to the edges to make it look like the photo was fading.


For this photo, I used the polar coordinates to make the picture wrap around in a circle. The I used tools like the clone stamp to get rid of the line where the edges of the picture met. I adjusted the contrast and saturation to give it a bright clear look.


For this photo, I adjusted the saturation and contrast on it. I also burned the shadow on the right to make it stand out so the photo looked balanced. I also blurred the leaf in the top right corner so it wasn't too distracting.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Lomo Photo

I just followed the steps to make it a lomo photo and that is about it. I think her face looks a little too white and I could have fixed that.

Casey Portrait

For this photo of my sister, I clone stamped out the letters on her sweatshirt because they were distracting. I also blurred the background so it didn't take away from her. I dodged her eyes to make them stand out and I used a very light blue neon glow.

Eliana Portrait

For this photo, I blurred the background and I raised the contrast because the photo looked really flat before. I also dodged her eyes to make them stand out because they were really dark before and blended with her hair.

Monday, March 8, 2010


I blurred this photo and then erased the blur off of my brother. I tried to blur the words off of his hat so that it wouldn't be distracting. I also clone stamped out the words that were on his sweatshirt.


I didn't do much editing with this photo besides enhancing her eyes and then I clone stamped out some objects in the background. I need to blur the background slightly to focus more on her.


For this photo, I played with the saturation to make it look not as flat. I also burned the top right corner because it was distracting. I also used the dodge tool on her eyes to make them stand out more.


For this photo, I blurred it and then erased the blur of of Apurva. I also clone stamped out a building on the right that was distracting.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Yellow Wallpaper Photo

This photo represents the Yellow Wallpaper story because the woman in the story seems trapped in her room and she is going crazy. The fence and the vines growing in it show this trapped feeling. I tried to blur the building in the background but it was very difficult and i think it takes away from the point of the photo.

Color Psychology Red Plant

This is a picture of a plant with red branches. Red represents anger and energy and I think that this picture shows that because the tangled branches give the photo energy and show craziness like anger. I used the macro setting on my camera and used the blur overlay to enhance the red in the branches.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Color Psychology Playground

For this photo of a playground, I used the gaussian blur to enhance the colors. The colorfulness is used to attract children and this photo shows this because the white background gives a nice contrast to the colors so they pop.

Color Psychology Jewel

For this photo, I took a picture of a jewel and it was very difficult to make the big jewel the focal point because there were other jewels in the background that were distracting. I played with the photo's background trying to make it darker and then i tried lighter. In the end, I burned the jewel and dodged the background because it looked the best and gave more focus on the large jewel. I think that the photo gives off a cold mood and a pure feeling because the background is very light and the jewel has tints of black in it.

Color Psychology Berries

For this photo, I took a picture of black berries. I think the photo gives off a sad feeling because black represents sadness and depression. All of the colors in the background are neutral which helps focus on the berries. This picture was taken using the macro setting on my camera.